Thursday 9 May 2019

Home Refurbishment - 7 important Steps to Finding the Best Local Builder | Bishop Ltd

The current Brexit economic climate means that more and more home-owners are choosing to refurbish their existing homes instead of incurring the huge expense of moving house. Upgrading key areas of your living space can improve the quality of life for your family, and also add value to the property long-term.
Two of the most important areas in a home for achieving these goals are the kitchen and bathroom. Both of these rooms are pivotal to a happy home environment and will have the most impact on your family. It is also necessary for you to find the right builder who will work quickly to minimize disturbance and chaos in your home.
It is vital for you to put in the time and research finding the right trades-person for you, and the work that needs to be carried out. Communication is incredibly important as you will need someone who is able to interpret your plans and ideas and bring them to life.
Certain jobs may necessitate the services of specific trade-persons e.g. plumbers, electricians, painters, etc – a skilled building company will work with a team of professionals to ensure the smooth running of your home refurbishment.
When searching for the perfect builder for your home refurbishment the key factors to consider are:
• First impressions count - after sourcing two to three builders, preferably recommended by satisfied customers, the first conversation will determine whether you can communicate effectively with them for the duration of the project. Are they as keen as you and are they already suggesting best and new ideas?
• Recommendations and feedback are all part of the selection process. Ask to look at current work in progress to see how they work on site - are they neat? Do they have their own washroom facilities or are they going to intrude in your home?
• Ask to see related previous work - if you want a bathroom or kitchen refurbishment you need to view similar examples to see the quality of their work.
• When comparing rates from individual builders make sure you are comparing like for like. The best way to do this is to give detailed plans so that each person is dealing with the same information and can quote accordingly. The cheapest is not necessarily the best.
• In the case of new build homes, check the builders are accredited to the relevant governing bodies e.g. The NHBC in the UK. Are your builders insured? Public Liability is very important! Furthermore, will the work be guaranteed, if so for how long?
• Can the builder advice on building applications and planning regulations e.g. how long will the planning application take from start to finish and how long are the plans valid for? All this is necessary so you can plan the overall time-scale of the job.
Home renovation can be exciting and scary at the same time. However, with the right checks and research, you should be able to find a reputable trades-person who can deliver your expectations in a professional way and with as little stress as possible. Your re-designed home can become a reality and hopefully a good investment for the future.
Bishop Ltd builders offer a complete building and project management service for home extensions and home refurbishments. For more details about refurbishments, improvements and extension visit our website

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Different Types of Construction Projects

Construction is outlined as “the process of constructing a building or infrastructure”. It differs from manufacturing, which typically involves mass production of similar items without a designated purchaser, while construction takes place at a pre-determined location for a known client.

A Construction Project "includes all material and work necessary for the development of a finished structure for occupancy by a client. This includes site preparation, foundations, mechanical, trade, and the other work necessary to complete the project."

All types of construction are planned and drawn out by architects and engineers, and sometimes with the help of a builder.

There are mainly 7 different types of construction projects. These include:


The most common area of construction is Residential construction. This section includes homes, townhouses, apartments, maisonettes, cottages, generally, all units used as dwellings. Governmental agencies, like local councils, employ subcontractors for structural, electrical, mechanical and alternative specialty work. This type of project will be subject to local planning laws and codes of practice.

As the most common area of construction by far, residential construction is the most competitive area in which to gain work for builders. It is usually the entry level for building companies looking to work within the construction industry. It is also the most riskiest area for a client! With so much competition builders with less experience will be eager to undercut a more reliable and established building company. This is where clients can fall victim to the “cowboy builder” so you need to do your homework on a company before parting with your hard earned money!


Building extensions is the process of adding structure to a previously built holding. It is the most common type of construction work undertaken by a builder. Extensions can be built to almost any type of construction and be a variety of sizes and styles. They can also be utilised in numerous ways; living area, garage, storage, but the extension has to be built in the same style as the original property. Extensions usually includes installation of services, like gas and electric sources.

Institutional and business

Institutional and business construction covers larger projects like hospitals and clinics, colleges and universities, sports facilities and stadiums, distribution warehouses, office blocks and hotels. This type of construction is more specialised and has fewer competitors in the market, in turn, making the process more expensive for the client. Specialist builders and architects will be employed and are able to demand higher prices for their experience and knowledge. However, the rewards for the client can be very high for such sizeable projects.


Industrial construction is a much smaller and less thought about sector of the construction industry, however, it is essential to our everyday life. This type of construction is very specialised and construction costs are exceptionally high. Construction here is undertaken by very large industrial firms, for example firms producing power generation, medicine, gas stations, etc.

Specialised Industrial Construction

These type of construction projects involve huge scale construction with a very high degree of technological and complex procedures. They would be used for the construction of atomic power plants, chemical process plants and oil refineries.

Highway Construction

Highway construction involves the development, alteration, or repair of roads, highways, streets, alleys, runways, paths, parking areas, etc. It includes all incidental construction in conjunction with route construction projects.

Heavy Construction

Heavy construction refers to any type of construction that does not typically fall under either "building" or "highway." Examples of this type of project would be dams, large bridges, water and sewer plants, biodegradable pollution treatment plants, and water treatment plants and facilities.This area of construction can involve many different designs of construction and all would need specialist knowledge.

Construction is a huge industry and their are numerous fields in which a construction company can be involved. The specialised areas obviously require extensive knowledge and ability to proceed but can be very rewarding for both the client and the construction company.

The residential side is flooded with local builders making it that much harder for the client to sift out the cowboys from the genuine and trustworthy building companies. However, with the help of the internet, customer reviews and testimonials, a client can be more savvy when looking for the right builder for them. Furthermore, clients should contact construction companies and raise questions about their needs before making any final decisions about employing a builder for their project.

Get Appointment for this company, click here @ Local builders in Dartford Kent

Friday 19 April 2019

What Size Building Company Should I Use For My New Home Build?

What Size Building Company Should I Use For My New Home Build?

The benefits of using large building companies is well-documented, they have "deep pockets” and are able to greatly influence supply-chains by gaining huge discounts on materials as a result, however, these benefits are not always passed on to their clients. They usually build in volumes, having a number of large projects on the go at any one time, so communication and personal service maybe lacking.

Smaller, one man band, companies are best avoided when it comes to larger building projects. Although there are numerous genuine smaller building companies out there many clients have fallen fowl to the ‘cowboy’ local builders in Dartford Kent, promising the earth and delivering an absolute mess, resulting in you having to spend even more thank your original budget to finish the work. You also don’t want to start the process with one builder and finish with another, it spoils the flow. The saying “buy cheap pay twice” really does apply when it comes to building works.

Medium size building companies appear to be the best choice when it comes to building your custom home. They operate in a similar way to the larger companies, however, they are happy to work with the client on a personal level and often share savings made on materials with their clients by providing a more competitive quote than the larger companies with higher overheads.

Below are my 5 simple reasons why I would consider employing a medium size building company, over the smaller or larger home builders, to build my bespoke home.
  • Medium size companies are more flexible with where they will work, their local resources will not be limited or focused on large projects out of your area.
  • They typically work on one or two major project at a time. As a result, they will have more time to interact with you, permitting you to make changes, plans allowing, to design features and interior decoration where you would like to do so. In comparison, larger companies are more generally focused on building developments, as appose to single homes. The style of house is usually pre-determined, with little or no possibility to make changes to the property. Their time, and your individual preferences, will be limited as they are usually on a much stricter schedule to complete. Therefore, their work ethos can have an adverse effect on your project due to their “knock them out” mentality, leaving little time for any personalised changes you may desire.
  • Building a completely customised new home is the norm for medium size building companies. They will be able to support you in numerous ways as they are experienced in similar projects to yours. Unlike the small building companies, a medium size builder will have good relationships and access to tried and tested tradesmen for your project. This means you will have a high quality build and with fewer delays in completing your project.
  • As medium size builders often work locally they will have a lot more knowledge about the local area and authorities, especially local planning authorities! They may also know more about the local landscape, for example, the land you intend to build on maybe clay based and require extra attention, and how to overcome these issues before starting the build. This kind of information is imperative to your build, you don’t want your new house sinking!
  • Reputation is a huge factor for local builders as they often gain much of their work through word of mouth so to underachieve would not be acceptable.

To conclude, larger building companies do carry the benefits of operating quickly, however, this comes at the price of lack of individualisation, that seemingly drove you to make the decision to build your home in the first place.

Small building companies may be cheaper but unlikely to have all the necessary resources and knowledge to achieve your vision. Beware, you may find yourself paying twice to complete your build!

A medium size building company will give you the time to explain your needs and recognise these necessities prior to starting on your project. They will have the resources and experience to build your bespoke dream home.

A bespoke home is based on your personal preferences, the style and design of your property is unique to you and you need a builder who can reflect this in your build by sharing your vision. Any worthy builder will take pride in their work and provide you an excellent service but if you want to play it safe and get the most out of your build I would recommend using a medium size building company. They will be reasonably priced, experienced and go the extra mile for you!

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Friday 12 April 2019

Finding your Bespoke Home Builder

Building a bespoke home is quite possibly the most exciting (and expensive) experience in ones lifetime, and selecting the perfect bespoke home builder is crucial to the project's success. The role of a bespoke home builder is not only to build you an exceptional home but also to advice and guide you through the tricky procedures of design, planning and building regulation requirements. General builders are not so clued up on these points. Since home building can be a very long process, sometimes feeling endless, it’s essential that you feel there's trust and clear communication between you and your builder.

Consider Your Resources

If you have already employed an architect their knowledge and expertise will be at your disposal as a starting point in your search for the right builder for project. Architects generally have firsthand experience of builders and can often guide you on finding a reputable builder, as well as communicating with your builder about your design requirements. In addition to your architect, your estate agent or the National Association of Home Builders (amongst others) could also be a good resource in finding good local builders. As always, the Internet is an excellent hub of information and searches will locate numerous builders in your area, use sites that show ratings and feedback from previous customers. Not forgetting the most favourable mode of finding a good builder, friends and family! There’s a lot to be said about word of mouth referrals, the builder has been tried and tested by a person you trust so you have a much better chance of not running into problems with them latter.

Shop Around for Suitable Builders

Shopping for a qualified home builder is a lot easier once you have your plans drafted by the architect. You can forward your plans to the builder to get a more accurate quote for the work. If you are looking to build a bespoke home you need to focus on building companies who are primarily centered on building custom homes, they will understand your needs better and have delivered on similar projects to yours previously. Once you have a short list of builders it is essential to examine their abilities in more detail, their website and testimonials are a good reference point. You need to know that the builder you're considering has completed work like yours before.

Work on the Schedule

When you speak to your prospective builder, raise the question about what their estimated schedule to complete the work would be. You must appreciate that building a custom home typically takes a minimum of 12 months, depending on the size, and can go off schedule as building work is weather-dependent. You could ask for a breakdown of the schedule, ie...when do you estimate the house will be at first fix stage (plumbing and electrics installation). A builder who PROMISES a timeframe for completion, eg weeks or months, ought to be a red flag for you, however tempting it may appear to have your work completed quickly go with the builder providing an estimated timeframe, they are more accurate. With bespoke home building your priority should be that your project is completed properly rather then quickly.

Communication is Vital

You need to be comfortable with how a builder communicates with you. You should not feel pressured or talked down to at any time. You are trusting a professional to build your home and they need to take the time to clarify their method in layman's terms. Any queries you have should be answered in a timely and respectful manner. You should not be waiting for weeks for a quote, this would be another red flag, maybe the builder is simply too busy to fully concentrate on your project. If you find yourself unsure or uncomfortable with your builder at the beginning move on! There are plenty of professional building companies out there who will be happy for your business and will address any concerns you have. For your peace of mind, make sure you receive written quotes and have a contract with your builder in place before starting the work.

A couple of additional things to consider with your bespoke home build, If you have a location in mind take into account the project you are looking to undertake, in particular access to the property for you're builder and material deliveries, can those big lorries get to your property? What style of home do you want? Browse the internet for ideas on styles, you may also pick up details of the home building company used to build the house. It may seem like a bit of a minefield but making the right choices in the beginning means you won’t be losing your mind latter!

Remember, you are the client and spending possibly your life savings on this project, you need a cooperative and reliable building partner for your bespoke home. Take your time, be specific in what you want, raise queries and get your quotes and contract in writing.

Get Appointment Contact @ Local builders in Dartford Kent

Friday 5 April 2019

Official Requirements and Design, Planning Permission and Building Regulations

Official Requirements and Design, Planning Permission and Building Regulations - Local builders in Dartford Kent

Most building projects require Planning Permission and Building Regulations; extensions, loft conversions, outbuildings etc., however, when it comes to New Build homes it is essential to obtain planning consent before any building work starts, it is a legal requirement.

To draft your plans, you will require the services of an architect, who will also be able to advise you if planning permission will be required for your project. An experienced architect not only prepares your drawings but can be very helpful when it comes to planning official requirements and design or layout of your new space. For a small fee, many can also help with the application process itself, submitting your plans to your local council and dealing with any pre-application issues so you are not caught out!

In addition to this, your builder may also be able to advice you when it comes to planning requirements, they can also keep you up to date regarding the necessary Building Regulation checks during your build, allowing for you to make arrangements for the inspections in good time.

Remember, it is ultimately the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that all legal requirements and paper work involving the planning rules (and building regulations) are fulfilled.

When it comes to planning, make sure you have all the necessary legal paperwork in place before starting work and follow the very useful guidance and support of your architect and builder. If you prefer to take the stress-free root, ask your architect to deal with your planning application on your behalf, in our experience, this root is well worth the few extra pounds!

More Updates Click Here @ Local builders in Dartford Kent