Friday 15 February 2019


Bishop Ltd is a bespoke construction company that offers their clients the opportunity to build the property of their dreams or carry out refurbishments on their current homes.

Working alongside a team of highly skilled tradesmen we are able to deliver a fast and reliable service to our clients.

Our Founder

Our founder's inspiration for Bishop Ltd came from working in his own family business for over 25 years. From the age of 21 he was fortunate enough to work at management level in high end projects as a sub-contractor. Whilst working in the family business he came to realise his passion lay in developments, building projects and project management, which fuelled him to create a company that focused purely on such projects and specialities.

Our Business Manager

Our business manager brings over 25 years of business management experience to the company and is heavily invested in Bishop Ltd. She has successfully formed and developed a variety of different companies from the ground up and is using the same expertise to make Bishop Ltd a leading company in the construction industry.

Our Values

Loyalty, trust and maintaining an open communication system with all clients is very important to us. These core values have helped us grow into the company we are today. Bishop Ltd is 100% committed to delivering the best possible outcome for the client, we always aim to complete the project within the clients' budget and on time. A satisfied client is what we rate our success on.


Bishop Ltd specialises in Commercial and Residential new builds, fit-outs, refurbishments, improvements and extensions, as well as delivering a complete Project Management service for their clients. The Bishop Ltd team have over 25 years of experience and extensive knowledge of the construction industry, both in the UK and abroad. You will receive great ideas, endless support and an exceptional service. As Sub-Contractor’s we have worked with Main Contractors to fit-out select areas of their project, for example, the fit-out of just the kitchens and/or bathrooms of a Main Contractors project.


Please note, due to building regulations in certain areas, we may require planning permission to carry out refurbishments, home improvements, extensions, and to construct new builds. Once the planning permission has been approved, Bishop Ltd and the design consultants will be able to start designing and building your dream home.

Contact Us:- Local builder in Loughton Essex | 0208 926 2010, 0737 885 1000 |

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Modern New Build or Traditional Older Property?

A modern style home is all too familiar these days but before we talk more about these, I would like to acknowledge the beauty of the older more traditional properties. There’s a lot to be said for the pre-1950’s built homes. You may have heard your parents talk about how the older properties were “solid and built to last”, unlike the hordes of quick builds spewed out today to create the sprawling new housing estates. If you look carefully you will notice tons of original features in older properties whereas the new builds tend to have sharp clean lines and little of anything else. It does come down to personal preference but for me the traditional features of old can’t be beaten and I am often found rummaging around salvage yards looking for exciting new finds to use on my next project. For example, I had a local builder in Chigwell Essex stunned with how much amazing ‘stuff’ I came back with, after one of my ‘shopping sprees’. Amongst other bits, I found an amazing cast iron fireplace and a near perfect ceiling rose to adorn the hallway, sadly most of the traditional features had been ripped out of the property by the previous owners.

The modern new build properties also have their place on my scale but only those where the new home builder has used traditional standards to work to, that is, the house is “solid and built to last”! To reach the upper part of my scale, the walls would need to be solid and better insulated than the average new build property, in turn, providing greater sound proofing, and there would need to be some internal design features even if they bare a modern twist, for example, modern style coving around the tops of the walls rather than leaving it bare (to my mind this is unfinished). Essentially, the new build house would need to be a mix of the two, modern with a dash of traditional, the property must have some personal touches to create character.

So, which type of house would you go for? If we set aside the general upheaval involved in building a new home, it would seem we can have the best of both worlds if we build our new home. The overall look of the new property can be built in a way to reflect a contemporary modern style and by adding character enhancing details throughout the house it won’t appear clinical and unhomely. In addition, by using traditional standards of house building we can ensure the walls and foundations are solid structures. The other positive about building your own home is that you can divide and layout the internal rooms to your liking. If you have the resources and the patience to build your own home then I would advise you to go for it!

Contact Bishop Ltd - for professional and stress free building services! | 0208 926 2010 |

Saturday 12 January 2019

Bishop Ltd - When Performance Counts!

We aim to finish within budget and on time, every time.

Bishop Ltd is committed to helping clients build the home they want. We excel in all areas of building works, including complete renovations, large extensions, or starting from scratch and constructing a beautiful brand new home you will be proud of.

To save you from unnecessary stress we also offer a complete Turnkey management service, for those clients who do not want to manage the project themselves, leaving you free to do the things you prefer in the safe knowledge that their project is in very good hands.

All our tradesmen are vetted to ensure you receive a high standard of service.

Call us for a free no obligation quote and hopefully we will be party to your dream! (

Friday 21 December 2018

Buying or Selling Your Property

Should I Sell or Extend My Property?

Buying or Extending your home is one of the most significant costs you will incur in your lifetime. It is therefore crucial to do your homework in order to spend wisely!

Buying or Selling Your Property. Our Home Development team often get the opportunity to interact with local Estate Agents, especially when selling our New Build properties. The word is, and has been for at least the past twelve months, that we are ‘in a buyer’s market’ and it looks to remain that way for a while yet, sadly not great news for those thinking of selling their homes.

This appears to be the reason why so many people are considering alternatives to selling and also explains why building companies have been extra busy of late. Would be sellers are deciding to stay put and instead invest their money in their current homes. For our company, we have noticed a steep rise in Extension and Home Improvement works.

Extensions. Increasingly, families both prefer and require larger living spaces and are no longer willing to ‘make do’ like our parents. Today we all have so much paraphernalia, toys – clothes – shoes – accessories etc., that we are in need of that extra storage space to fit it all in. Additionally, people want extra rooms in their homes for things like home cinemas or home gyms. Sadly, our fears also play a part in needing more space as we no longer feel comfortable allowing our children to ‘play out’. Instead we prefer to invite their friends to our home, which means the ‘little people’ also need their own space to enjoy their hobbies and time with friends. The easiest answer to a lack of space dilemma would be to build an extension to your property.

There are two main types of Home Extensions, attached and detached. Where a person wishes to increase the internal footage of their home by adding an extension, for example, to the kitchen and creating a beautiful open plan kitchen / lounge area, or by adding another room on top of an existing single storey extension and creating that great new master suite upstairs, these would be marked as attached extensions. Whereas, an outbuilding or room built in the grounds of the main property is considered a detached extension of the home.

What would it cost to build a new Extension or Outbuilding?

In order to answer this question, your builder would have to take many factors into consideration. The more obvious things to consider would be things like the size of the extension and how it is positioned in relation to the main property, or the depth of the footings required to prevent any chance of subsidence later. The not so obvious points to consider, amongst other things, would be the ground conditions upon which you intend to build, if there are any access restrictions to the area, the higher cost of materials if you are required to match, for example, old style sash windows or roof tiles, or moving of pipes or manholes.

Do your homework and spend your money wisely!

If a builder gives you a quote off the top of their head for X amount to complete Y job be cautious as they may just be saying that to secure the job, the work could cost you a lot more than first quoted. Do get a few quotes and use a reputable building company that can provide you with references of past work, and is willing to fully listen to your requirements before providing you with a detailed quote and payment terms in writing.

Contact Bishop Ltd - for professional and stress free building services! | 0208 926 2010 |

Friday 14 December 2018

My Home Renovation Story

Are you a first-time home builder or renovator? Need Help?? You need to read this first...

Handling a building, or renovation, project on your own can make most people a little nervous, to say the least. The memories of extending and renovating my own home in Dartford Kent still makes me cringe to this day. Believe me when I say a lot of sleep was lost during that time! I was constantly swinging between excitement, frustration, anger and to even feeling sick at times with the worry of losing a large amount of money if things went wrong. The mental strain was exhausting. Like most people, I had put my life savings into this project and simply could not afford for it to fail.

My Home Renovation Story.

It really was an uphill struggle from the start!

After endless hours of searching I found the perfect property for me and my family. The property needed a complete overhaul as it hadn’t been touched in 30 years by the elderly sellers. This was just the kind of property I wanted as I could complete the renovations and instantly increase the value of the property when I moved in.

The Home Purchase. We exchanged contracts with the seller and then the first obstacle hit us…our confirmed mortgage offer from the Bank was suddenly pulled…eek! I contacted the Ombudsman for help but no reason was given as to why the Bank had decided this. I couldn’t understand why this had happened as all my finances were in order. After rechecking my mortgage application form I noticed I had made a mistake, which I rectified (with evidence) but the bank stated once the mortgage was pulled that was the end – lesson learnt, be extra careful when filling out mortgage application forms as a little mistake could cost you dearly! I had no time to apply for another mortgage so frantically darted from one family member to another to raise the rest of the capital and complete the purchase, the alternative was to lose the £300,000 deposit I had paid on exchange! Like I said, not a good start…

Finding the Right Builder. Determined to get the next step right I employed a building company to help with the renovation and extension works. The company I chose sounded great and offered to complete the work for £5000 less than another company I was considering. Great! …Mistake number 2! I signed on the dotted line, put my furniture into storage and moved my family into a hotel for the predicted 2/3 months it would take to complete the project. However, I only met the builder (I use that term very loosely) twice in the 5 months his company was employed to carry out the work.

Project Management. To save on costs I decided to provide all materials for the project, friends and family had advised me that builders overcharge on materials to make their profit. Mistake 3… Rather than making a saving this arrangement increased my costs, as it appears bags of cement (amongst other building materials) can suddenly grow legs and walk off the site! This meant I had to replace materials a few times so work could continue, and copper piping is not cheap!

Three months into the project (although it should have been finished by then) I took a month’s leave from my job to be on site every day and make sure nothing went missing and the project was moved forward. Very bad move!! The main guy on the site knew I was eager to get the project finished and suggested I help out whilst there to move it along. Initially I was happy to be involved but then the penny dropped, I was now paying a building company to complete my project but had worked a month unpaid for them myself, not to mention the rising costs caused by the delay in completion, storage charges and hotel bills, but hey they did give me a cheaper quote! Mistake 4… are you seeing a pattern with this company yet??

The Crunch. Four months into the project the builder called to say the job had taken longer than anticipated and his team needed more money in order to complete the work. He reeled off a list of additional ‘unforeseen’ jobs they had completed, which could have been plausible, but in his absence, he had not known I was on site daily myself and knew exactly what the team had being doing. After a heated discussion, I agreed to pay an additional £5000 for the project, half to be paid straight away... Mistake 5! The guys on site worked to the end of that week and didn’t return. I called and left lots of messages on the builder’s phone and even went to his office to find out what was happening, the address on the contract was not correct so no joy there either.

The Drag. Five months after starting the project we were left with a half-finished house, no builders, a distressed family, extortionate bills, and no idea what to do next. We allowed three weeks to pass before it became obvious that the builders were not going to return. I knew I had to make a decision in order to get my family into our new home. The following week I decided to cut our losses with the original builder and employed a new building company. Thankfully they provided a Project Management service and completed the remainder of the works themselves and we were able to move in to our new home within a month.

Home Improvements Add Value. Did I add value to my property by undertaking the extension and renovation works? Yes, I did! However, due to my lack of knowledge (and trusting nature), a large chunk of the money was swallowed up by the expenses we incurred waiting to move in our new home, unfinished work by the first set of builders, storage and hotel bills piled up due to the delay in moving in to the house and the additional cost of employing the new builders to finish the project.

Buy Cheap Pay Twice!” So, what have I learnt from this experience? Since speaking to many others about my misfortune I have come to realise my story is not exceptional. Unscrupulous builders have caused chaos in many people’s lives. If I was to advise someone now about building or renovating their property I would suggest they consider the following points:

a) Make sure you do your due diligence!

b) Speak to at least 2 or 3 building companies and ask for evidence of previous work.

c) Make sure your contract is worth the paper it is written on! Check out the address and telephone number, make sure both parties have signed it, and it includes the following points:

a. The payment terms

b. The estimated finish date (give 2/3-week extension max unless you are given a good reason for the delay)

c. What is and is not included in the cost

d) Employ a company that is passionate about their work and pays attention to your needs throughout the project. Remember, they are working for you or you may find yourself in the same position I did.

e) When employing a builder do NOT base your decision solely on the cheapest quote it can often become a lot more expensive in the long run, like me, you could be caught by the ‘Buy Cheap Pay Twice’ proverb!

Bishop Ltd provides complete Turnkey Management services, including the design and planning stage of your project. We will handle your project from start to finish so your free carry on with your everyday life. Sit back, relax and let us take the strain!

Call Bishop Ltd on 0208 926 2010 for a no obligation quote!

Also Searches on Google Local builders in Gravesend Kent